Tomáš Bárta / A Spectre in the House

Tomáš Bárta / A Spectre in the House

Fait Gallery MEM

22. 5. – 27. 7. 2024

Opening : 22. 5. 2024, 7 p.m.

Curator: Jiří Ptáček


Tomáš Bárta returns to the Fait Gallery in Brno. The Spectre in the House exhibition will present the artist's latest paintings based on architecture. Architecture will also dominate the exhibition which appears to spawn its own ghosts.


Although Bárta once again draws on the world of construction and architectural elements for his new paintings, he lets them speak more strongly than ever before about how the perception of these elements is related to the formation of the idea of visible reality. By using a depression or hole in the surface, he stages an optical play with the visual principles of "inside", "outside", "through", "in front of", etc. These are paintings in which the relations between space and surface are complicated and full of paradoxes. "The spectre in this sense is a moment of seeing in which reality does not create a coherent image, in which what we see does not correspond to our experience," says the curator Jiří Ptáček about the exhibition.


The exhibition's architecture becomes an artistic installation that takes Bárta's "painting of architecture" into a three-dimensional space. With the development of digital technologies, the experience of paradoxical spaces has moved from the realm of art to the realm of everyday experience. In their visual aspect, Bárta's paintings are often reminiscent of the morphology of hi-tech buildings, which would not have been possible without computer-aided design.


Tomáš Bárta (*1982) studied painting at the FAVU Academy of Art in Brno under Petr Kvíčala. His crucial experience was a stay in Berlin. It was there that his interest in large-scale drawings and intuitive geometry took shape. In his installations, he combines expressive and geometrical components, thematizing various types of sedimentation of human interventions into the public space and architecture. He is represented in the collections of the Albertina in Vienna, the National Gallery in Prague and several private collections. His solo exhibitions were held, for example, in the Pekelné sáněGallery, Kroměříž (2023), HotDock Project Space, Bratislava (2022), SPZ Gallery, Prague (2021), and Trapéz, Budapest (2014). At group exhibitions, Tomáš Bárta has exhibited in the Sophistica Gallery, Prague (2020), Caesar Gallery, Olomouc (2017), Czech Centre, Berlin, National Technical Library, Prague (2015), and in the Brno House of Arts (2014).


You can find the presskit here:


Media contact:

Viktorie Chomaničová

+420 601 327 291

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