Michal Škoda / Interweaving

Michal Škoda / Interweaving

Fait Gallery

22. 5. – 27. 7. 2024

Opening : 22. 5. 2024, 7 p.m.

Curator: Silvia L. Čúzyová


Michal Škoda consistently works with a reduced abstract form and realises his themes – an interest in space and architecture, a place for man, archiving existence and everyday life - through various techniques. In the Fait Gallery in Brno, he will exhibit a dialogue regarding the intertwining of the past and the present.


Drawing has been one of the main means of expression in Škoda's work for more than a decade, along with artist’s books. In the last five years, his thinking and sculptural nature have re-emerged in objects that to some extent work with architectural morphology. The exhibition entitled INTERWEAVING is the artist's continuation of a focused creative interaction with Places with Specific Qualities. The exhibition is not a retrospective but thematizes an ongoing dialogue with the past, present and the possible future of Škoda's work - a continuous interweaving of subjects, ideas, meanings, media and materials.


The novelties and turns that come into Škoda's work are the result of a long maturation, or a kind of return with newly acquired experience. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to look into the "laboratory" of individual artistic thinking. The unprecedented number of presented artist's diaries and so-called Records reveals the layers behind the final image or object, uncovers the processes and internal constellations of a particular art practice, and inadvertently, or above all, demonstrates the power of artistic imagination and the expressive power of simple drawing.


Michal Škoda (*1962) considers himself a self-taught artist and has been a solitaire throughout his life, following his own path in all areas of his work. Apart from his art practice, he has been the chief curator of the Gallery of Contemporary Art and Architecture - House of Arts of České Budějovice since 1998, which he has turned into a prestigious institution with significant international outreach. In 2016 he received an honorary mention from the jury of the Architect of the Year Award and in 2017 the award for Exceptional Achievement within the Czech Architecture Award. He has had solo exhibitions in a number of galleries and institutions: Alšova jihočeská galerie, Hluboká nad Vltavou (2022); Telegraph Gallery, Olomouc (2023); GASK, Kutná Hora (2020); GHMP, Prague; Concept Space, Shibukawa - Japan (2008); Galerie Stadpark, Krems - Austria (2016); Galerie Kubík, Litomyšl (2019). His work is represented in public and private collections in the Czech Republic and abroad, including the Chicago Art Institute - Artists' Books Collection, USA; the National Gallery in Prague; the Moravian Gallery in Brno.


You can find the presskit here: https://bit.ly/4bvSlBO


Media contact:

Viktorie Chomaničová


+420 601 327 291


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